Learn any time
any where
any where
Help Picking The Right Lesson
It’s very important children start at the right level, have fun in learning and work at their own pace. Please help the children selecting the appropriate level that is not too easy, but also not too difficult for them.
- Level 1Early years
- Level 2(5-6 Years)
- Level 3(6-7 Years)
- Level 4(7-8 Years)
- Level 5(8-9 Years)
- Level 6(9-10 Years)
- Level 7(10-11 Years)
- Level 8(11-12 Years)
- Level 9(12-13 Years)
- Level 10(13-14 Years)
The “Start Early” program has been designed to promote learning whilst at home and supplement school curriculum.

The Objective of this level is to assist the learners to
- To identify common fruits, vegetables, colors, shapes, flowers, modes of transport , birds and animals
- To name familiar objects for each letter
- To recognize letters and their sounds A-Z
- To differentiate between small and capital letters in print
- To recite poems/rhymes with actions
- To draw/ scribble in response to poems and stories
Through the video stories, kids must be able
- To respond orally (in any Language or by actions) to comprehension questions related to stories/poems
- To identifies characters and sequence of a story and ask questions about the story
- To listen to English words, greetings, polite forms of expression, simple sentences, and respond in English / home Language / actions
The program resource consists of
- Phonic song videos with clear pronunciation of each sound
- Animated Stories with a moral
- Free downloadable booklets as below
- ABC song
- PPT’s

It is important that early learners have a strong foundation. A logical sequence of teaching material is essential to help the learners progress in the desired direction and 21st-century skills are to be nurtured. These books aim at developing the Language and the Numeracy skills of the learners by moving step by step enabling learners to Language progress effectively. The concepts are explained with appropriate examples and colorful illustrations to make learning an exciting experience.
Language Level 2
Phonics, reading, and writing are components of the
Language program for 3- to 5-year-olds These areas are
crucial in helping a child build important literacy and
communication skills.
The objectives of this level 2 book are to assist learners to
- Gain a thorough understanding of the phonic sounds of each letter of the alphabet
- Replicate and form both upper- and lower-case letters
- Identify vowels vs. consonants
- Spell simple words by sounding out letters and letter combinations
- Put 2 letters together in order to begin reading and writing
- Able to read and write basic blends, diagraphs and consonant diagraphs
- Recognize age-appropriate sight words
- Develop phonological awareness and distinguish one letter sound from another
- Recognize and differentiate initial sounds and also create new words by replacing one letter with another
- Inculcate good listening skills
- Read and write simple words/short sentences with the help of pictures and understand them
- Build their vocabulary and comprehension skills
Numeracy level 2
The objectives of this level are to assist learners to
- Recognize and write numbers [0-99]
- Sequencing numbers [ 0-99] [ After number, Before number, in between number]
- Count backward [ 0-99]
- Draw objects according to the number given
- Add to and from 20 using manipulatives and pictorially
- Subtract to and from 20 using manipulatives and pictorially
- Subtract two sets of objects pictorially and write the answers
- Demonstrate an understanding of place value and recognize tens and ones
- Recognize and draw basic geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle, rectangle, oval, crescent, Star)
- Identity basic 2 d shapes on paper and in real life
- Use nonstandard objects (pencils, blocks, and hands) to measure length, volume, and weight
- Compare measurements and correctly use [ long/short, big/small, thick/thin, heavy/light]
- Demonstrate an understanding of positional relationships –[near / far , full / empty ,front / back, inside/ outside, on/under]
- Demonstrate an understanding of pattern sequencing with pictures and numbers
- Demonstrate understanding of the Concept of the Calendar in terms of naming months of the year and days of the week in order
- Interpret simple data

The level 2 program resource consists of
- Phonic song videos with clear pronunciation of each sound
- Animated Stories with a moral
- Free downloadable books on Language and Numeracy as below
- PPT’s
- New Resources will be uploaded regularly
It is important that early learners have a strong foundation. A logical sequence of teaching material is essential to help the learners progress in the desired direction and 21st-century skills are to be nurtured. These books aim at developing the Language and the Numeracy skills of the learners by moving step by step enabling learners to Language progress effectively. The concepts are explained with appropriate examples and colorful illustrations to make learning an exciting experience.
Language Level 3
Grammar helps provide learners with a structure to recognize as they learn to understand, speak and write new Languages. With a good hold of grammar, fluency and understanding of the Language can be developed.

The objectives of this level 3 book are to assist learners to
- Correctly identify nouns and use Proper and common nouns to name people, places, things, and ideas — orally and in writing
- Use singular and plural forms appropriately [ s, es,ies, ves]
- Use Gender as in he, she forms appropriately. [Masculine and Feminine forms of common animals, birds, relationships]
- Identify the Verb [ action word] in a sentence and use it appropriately in a sentence
- Correctly identify action verbs (using the term “verb”) and their eight forms – [Be, Am, Is, Are, Was, Were, Being, Been]
- Demonstrate understanding of common prepositions, use common prepositions correctly — orally and in writing
- Use opposites appropriately
- Use “this,” “these,” “that,” and “those” correctly in writing and orally
- Understand and use the 7 WH question words (who, what, where, when, why, how, which) — orally and in writing
- Identify the punctuation marks Capital case, period, question mark and consistently use correct ending punctuation marks
- Build their vocabulary and comprehension skills
- Compose small sentences on a topic with some cohesion
- Read and understand the simple, small passages and answer questions pertaining to the text

Numeracy level 3
Mathematics forms an integral part of our life. This book aims at
building the Numeracy skills and the confidence of the young
The objectives of Level 3 are to assist learners to
- Recognize and write numbers [0-999]
- Sequencing numbers [ 0-999]
- Count backward [ 0-999]
- Create sets of objects and label them with the correct numeral
- Add in columns
- Subtract in columns
- Demonstrate an understanding of place value and recognize tens and ones
- Recall & use multiplication facts for the 2, 5, 10 tables,
- Recognize and draw basic geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle, rectangle, oval, crescent, Star)
- Identify, copy, create these patterns
- Identity basic 2 d and 3 d shapes on paper and in real life
- Use nonstandard objects (pencils, blocks, and hands) to measure length, volume, and weight
- Compare measurements and correctly use [long/short, big/small, thick/thin, heavy/light]
- Demonstrate an understanding of positional relationships –[near / far , full / empty ,front / back, inside/ outside, on/under]
- Demonstrate an understanding of pattern sequencing with pictures and numbers
- Demonstrate understanding of the Concept of the Calendar in terms of naming months of the year and days of the week in order and recognize the correct way to write the date
- Arrange numbers in descending and ascending order [ 0-999]
- Interpret simple data
- Tell time to the hour and the time of the daily routine activities
- Understand and write ordinal numbers [0-20]
- Understand basic fractions and be able to identify part of a whole and draw simple fractions.
The level 3 program resource consists of

- Free downloadable books Language and Numeracy as below
- PPT’s