Learn Any Time Any Where
The “Start Early” program has been designed to promote learning whilst at home and supplement school curriculum.

The Objective of this level is to assist the learners to
- To identify common fruits, vegetables, colors, shapes, flowers, modes of transport , birds and animals
- To name familiar objects for each letter
- To recognize letters and their sounds A-Z
- To differentiate between small and capital letters in print
- To recite poems/rhymes with actions
- To draw/ scribble in response to poems and stories
Through the video stories, kids must be able
- To respond orally (in any Language or by actions) to comprehension questions related to stories/poems
- To identifies characters and sequence of a story and ask questions about the story
- To listen to English words, greetings, polite forms of expression, simple sentences, and respond in English / home Language / actions
The program resource consists of
- Phonic song videos with clear pronunciation of each sound
- Animated Stories with a moral
- Free downloadable booklets as below
- ABC song
- PPT’s